Cinco Municipal Utility District No. 9

District News

Upcoming Water Service Interruption Advisory for Greenway Village Sections 3-5 & Meadow Place Sections 2-4 on April 30th

Greenway Village Section 3- 5 & Meadow Place Section 2-4:

On Tuesday April 30th, Inframark will be working in Greenway Village section 3-5 and Meadow Place section 2-4. As a result, you may experience a short interruption to your water service.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Inframark’s Customer Service at (281) 579-4500.

Why You Should NOT Flush Wipes

Did you know that some paper products and wipes are advertised as “flushable” but are not!

Sure, they will flush down, but they do not flush out. Instead, they get caught in sewer lines, pumps, filters, and screens at the sewer plant. This results in costly repairs or cleanup!

You have control to prevent these repair expenses by simply not flushing wipes, paper towels, hygiene products, and other items into the sewer system.

Ensuring Clean Water in Your Neighborhood: Understanding Air Scouring

In an effort to maintain the quality and safety of your drinking water, our team at Inframark is taking proactive steps to clean the water mains in your neighborhood. This essential maintenance is aimed at removing the build-up of scale and mineral deposits that can occur over time, ensuring that your water remains clean and safe to use.

The process we’re employing, known as “Air Scouring,” is designed to be efficient and cause minimal disruption to your daily life. Air Scouring involves the use of high-volume air to agitate water within the mains, effectively loosening and removing rust, scale, and other deposits. This method is faster than traditional cleaning techniques and is tailored to reduce any inconvenience to you and your neighbors.

However, during this cleaning process, water service will be temporarily interrupted. Specifically, residents of Northlake IX can expect an interruption on Wednesday, March 27th, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. We understand the importance of having continuous water service and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We also require your assistance to ensure that the cleaning process is completed effectively. Once the Air Scouring is finished, you may notice some residue in your water. We advise you to flush your system from an outside faucet until the water runs clear, which should take only a few minutes. This step is crucial to prevent any debris from entering your home’s plumbing system.

For more details on how the Air Scouring process works and what you can do to assist, as well as tips on ensuring your water remains safe and clean during and after the procedure, please view the complete notice on our website. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work to improve the quality of your water service.

For any concerns or if you require special arrangements due to medical needs, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 281-398-8211. Your health and safety are our top priorities, and we are here to assist in any way we can. Thank you for your assistance and understanding as we work to maintain the cleanliness and safety of your water supply.

Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 10:00 AM

The Board meets the third Wednesday of each month at Prosperity Bank, 1515 West Grand Parkway South, Katy Texas, 77494. Meetings generally begin at 10:00 a.m. and are open to the public. The Board welcomes and encourages District residents to attend.